Government of Georgia

Prime Minister’s Human Rights Advisor participates in 13th meeting of the Committee of the Parties to the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence


Niko Tatulashvili, Prime Minister's Human Rights Advisor, took part in the 13th meeting of the Committee of the Parties to the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention), in Strasbourg.

The main issue discussed at the event involved reviewing the recommendations issued by the Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO) to the convention's nine signatory countries and approving priority measures to be taken.
In the process of discussion, Niko Tatulashvili informed the parties about the state's action toward preventing and responding to gender-based violence, also about plans for the future.

Within the scope of the meeting, recommendations were issued on Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, Estonia, Cyprus, Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, and Georgia.

After the meeting, Joining Forces: Applying the Cybercrime Frame to Digital Violence against Women-a high-level conference chaired by the President of Iceland and the Secretary General of the Council of Europe-was held, with its participants discussing challenges and achievements in combatting violence against women in cyberspace.

Press Service of the Government Administration