Government of Georgia – Government Meetings 2011 Year

Meeting of the Government as of July 20, 2011

Meeting of the Government as of July 20, 2011 On July 20, 2011 was held the meeting of the Georgian Government. The agenda included 69 items.

Before the meeting started, the Prime Minister of Georgia, Nika Gilauri, asked the Minister of Agriculture, Bakur Kvezereli, to provide information on development of maize and wheat programs to the public and members of the government.

"We have already had first results and we can say that the program is successful," pointed out Nika Gilauri.

Bakur Kvezereli: "harvesting is practically completed in Kakheti Region. We have especially good results in the fields of American wheat with average yielding capacity of three tons. Such a result was desirable and we could only dream about this during the last years.

For the last ten years, we had the best results harvesting 1.8 tons per hectare. Today, we have three tons, which is a double amount of the previous year's harvest. As for the general condition, for this moment, 85% of Kakheti crops have been harvested; cutting down of fields in Shida Kartli started several days ago.

Monitoring process of maize fields finished three days ago; for this moment, the fields have been assessed positively. Average harvest amounting to six tons is anticipated, which is a triple figure in comparison with the indexes of the last years. Thus, our citizens will have a threefold increase in their income.

We are planning to export 100 thousand tons to neighboring countries.

32 tons of seeding material, which we will get this year, will be enough for seeding on 125 thousand hectares. This means that we will cover the whole area envisaged for wheat and other types of grain."

Nika Gilauri: "this was our aim; both projects turned out successful. We will have harvest of maize in a few months and we will get the public acquainted with the results. We have taken very good steps towards agriculture; the next year will be the year of the breakthrough on the way towards agricultural prosperity."

Prime Minister's Press Servic